Vini Bio Vegan Abruzzo

Vinitaly Abruzzo: Casal Thaulero Bio Vegan wines

“Scarpetta di Venere” is the new Casal Thaulero line of biovegan wines.
The three wines provided, made with the most representative varieties of the territory, combine the naturalness of organic grapes, the respect for vegan feeding and for the environment. To satisfy needs of consumers more and more aware of their consumption is the goal, as their highly interested in organic products and “vegan” is a “philosophy of life.” Furthermore we acted the ability to offer wines with an eco-sustainable packaging: from the bottle lightweight glass, in order to reduce emissions arising from transportation, to a natural paper label and select bio cork finish.

These wines offer the added value of a BioVegan certification which guarantees a taste, an aspect, a flavor and an alcohol content perfectly in line with those of traditional wines, respecting vegan feeding which diet TOTALLY excludes products of animal extraction.

The name comes from the flower “Scarpetta di Venere” (Venus’s Slipper), a rare and protected wild orchid of authentic beauty, widespread throughout the Abruzzo National Park. All naturalness, charm and elegance of this jewel of nature are reflected in the organoleptic characteristics of these wines, suggesting to live savoring nature because, as Tolstoy said, “Happiness is being with Nature, look at her, talk to her.”